As we approach Valentine’s Day, I’m musing on the way that giving and receiving enlivens the heart. Just as the physical heart receives and shares oxygen and nutrients with the whole body, our gestures of giving and receiving gifts with others, whether family and friends, strangers, or with nature, can be so revitalizing. Consider this time an invitation to practice that beautiful reciprocity, noticing how good it feels to give and to share, whether it’s sharing your time with a friend, listening, or when receiving nature’s beauty on a walk outdoors.  

In my work, I’m awed by how much the plants share with us, offering beautiful healing remedies for the body, mind, spirit and the skin. One of my favorites, and a botanical beauty that emphasizes this connection, is Rose, the most majestically generous of all the flowers. Rose is blended into all my most potent formulas, from the very obvious, like Bulgarian Rose Water and Celestial Rose Crème, to the less so, such as Intensive Repair Balm and Quintessential Serum. To each Rose brings not only its incredible ability to encourage new growth and repair in the skin’s deepest layers, but also opens the heart to the rhythm of giving and receiving. Even just inhaling the heavenly scent of Rose has been shown to have measurable effects on the physiological body, and we know it also envelops the soul in warmth and care.  

I hope this month you’ll lean into this moment of giving and receiving from the heart, caring for yourself with the deep beauty of Rose.


Nurture your skin at the deepest levels by tuning into Quintessential Serum’s special Rose vibration. This blend is one of our most meditative, blending heart-opening Rose with sacred Frankincense. While both botanicals are actively potent, bringing rejuvenation to the skin, they also support deep meditative experiences. As you press two precious drops of serum into your skin, inhale deeply, envisioning opening your heart like a blooming Rose.  


Activating the heart can help enliven the whole being, stimulating circulation, which helps the body detoxify and receive essential nutrients. This has a beautifully nurturing effect on the skin. One of the best ways to stimulate the body’s circulatory response is also one of the easiest to incorporate into your routine—walking. Walking at a rate that brings you just to the limit of your abilities to hold a conversation has been shown to have great benefits. Making time for a few minutes of brisk walking between other activities can help improve heart—and skin—health.


Our Queen of Flowers treatment Kit offers the most luxurious way to experience the lush beauty of Rose. Including favorite Rose-fueled formulas—Restorative Radiance Masque, Très Rose Body Oil and Celestial Rose Crème—it’s like falling into a bed of Roses, while offering an at-home protocol to enhance the rejuvenation and radiance of the skin. Naturally, it makes a perfect gift. 

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