As we all know only too well, the beginning of the year and its call for resolutions can carry so much pressure. While we all love embracing the freshness of the new, it’s a beautiful practice to hold yourself and your expectations with loving kindness during this season of change. After all, you can’t really re-organize your closet, learn Italian, give up carbs and start a new workout routine all at once if it’s going to be sustainable and joyful, too.
Whenever we want to make a lifestyle shift, even a small or subtle one, it feels so good to approach these times of change consciously, focusing on one thing at a time and breaking down each goal into smaller steps. But, most importantly, any conscious transition also provides the opportunity to treat yourself with patience and care.
I work with clients every day in the treatment room in achieving their wellness goals. What I’ve learned over the years is that some of the most life-changing shifts are the most simple—and powerful—and usually they are those which encourage us not to do more, but to be more.
Along those lines, my resolution for this year, one which I so happily made with my daughter on New Year's Eve, is to simply continue spreading kindness. I know I'll cherish upholding that commitment every step of the way.
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